Outstanding expression. Simply this!

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Thank you 🙏🏻❤️

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amazing. All concepts noted. now to drop them.

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In the dream, there is apparent suffering. Some characters in the dream seem, to themselves and others, to intend alleviation of suffering. And there's a strong evidence-based case for historical progress towards a reduction in human suffering as an overall trend. My first person character in this dream feels mild progress along this dimension in actions and intentions. It just happens, but on reflection the word that comes up for an underlying quality is love. Doesn't the spiritual path align with intention and action towards reduction of suffering? Toward the blossoming of love? It feels that way.

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I can certainly understand what you're saying, but I notice that all stories of progress (or failure) require thought, memory, apparent time, conceptual ideas and imagination. They are always stories or imaginations, however relatively true they might seem to be. In this moment here-now, there is no progress (or failure) and no "me" to be experiencing either.

Actions happen, blossoming happens. Intentions can also happen (choicelessly), but those always seem to involve thought, future projections and some kind of result-oriented efforting. To some degree, this is how life functions. We intend to get to our destination when we get into the car, and social activists such as Martin Luther King Jr. probably do have a vision and an intention about a better future. And in one dimension of reality, or from one perspective, this all makes perfect sense. But it can also be seen that this is all a kind of dream. 🙏

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dear joan,

this is beautiful.

thank you for sharing as always!

i love this: "no two of us seem to completely agree on which way is heaven and which is hell"

that is heaven!

i also love this: "the freedom to be exactly as we are in each moment, and for everything else to be exactly as it is in each moment"

(loving that is exactly as i am in this moment)

thank you!



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Brilliant! Thank you. ❤️

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Beautiful ... but my mind keeps trying to understand the concept instead of just relaxing into it! (Whatever "it" is!)

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It's sometimes really difficult to remember we are living a paradox. We must live "as if" we had choice and control.But we forget so easily. Reading your words helps me remember.Thank you again for these writings dear Joan.

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Joan grateful for this last post such beautiful truth. Immense thanks so very much June Durkin

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Thank you and love back to you, dear Joan! ❤

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Thank you.

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I read this twice and found a feeling of wonder and peace both times. I appreciate your insights and how you explain things. Thank you.

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Thank you Joan.

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