Mar 28Liked by Joan Tollifson

Thank you Joan.

I so appreciated this reminder that thought is also part of the passing scene, and the tangles also. I am so strongly inclined to see the entanglement as MY foolishness when I can also see that this dancing in and out of foolishness is not a problem for the Whole.

I, too, found Perfect Days wonderfully inspiring in its quiet, receptive focus on events, just as they are, even if they're not necessarily pleasant.

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Mar 28Liked by Joan Tollifson

Thanks again for sharing your experience. I recognize my own drive to figure out how to do this thing we call life . And some of the time, I do feel the peace that comes from letting go of the wheel.

I definitely want to see the new film by Wim Wenders. If you haven’t had the experience of watching the doc PINA by WW, I recommend it. Just wow what humans create.☺️

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Appreciation prompts this: empirical observation of being present is typically accompanied by gratitude and love. This is my experience and reported by many others. Not saying cause and effect. Just sayin'. This is also often manifested by expression where the intent is to help, to heal, to awaken. People can selflessly devote a big part of their time and energy and life to such expression. You seem to be such a person, Joan. So glad to be present to you and your expression.

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What sees it all ...unmoved and untouched by any appearance?

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Mar 28Liked by Joan Tollifson

You always seem to say what it I need to hear at this moment. Remarkable, but perhaps that's because being reminded to return to this non-conceptual moment is what is always needed. Thank you again, and yet again.

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Mar 28Liked by Joan Tollifson

Dear Joan. Perfect reminder and timing. Last night in bed my brain was extremely active trying to make sense of spiritual concepts like attempting to place square pegs in round holes. So intense and unproductive. Then I receive this beauti toful writing in my inbox this morning and mind rights again in the moment. Thank you so much.

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Mar 28Liked by Joan Tollifson

Thank you Joan, for that reminder that everything is part of what it is and it all belongs.

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Mar 28Liked by Joan Tollifson

Thank you for your clarity in sharing this message, and for the movie recommendation.

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Mar 28Liked by Joan Tollifson

I need to constantly be reminded that my thoughts are not who I am and to not follow them down the rabbit hole. I watched Perfect Days after your recommendation and enjoyed the simplicity and warmth of it. I feel fortunate to have stumbled upon your writings. Many Many Thanks

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Mar 28Liked by Joan Tollifson

Ah, my two lodestars- Huang Po and Nisargadatta. Thank you! 🫂

Your movie recommendation looks great - reminded me of one of my favorite poems by Mary Oliver, my favorite poet:


Mary Oliver

In Singapore, in the airport,

A darkness was ripped from my eyes.

In the women’s restroom, one compartment stood open.

A woman knelt there, washing something in the white bowl.

Disgust argued in my stomach

and I felt, in my pocket, for my ticket.

A poem should always have birds in it.

Kingfishers, say, with their bold eyes and gaudy wings.

Rivers are pleasant, and of course trees.

A waterfall, or if that’s not possible, a fountain rising and falling.

A person wants to stand in a happy place, in a poem.

When the woman turned I could not answer her face.

Her beauty and her embarrassment struggled together,

and neither could win.

She smiled and I smiled. What kind of nonsense is this?

Everybody needs a job.

Yes, a person wants to stand in a happy place, in a poem.

But first we must watch her as she stares down at her labor,

which is dull enough.

She is washing the tops of the airport ashtrays, as big as hubcaps,

with a blue rag.

Her small hands turn the metal, scrubbing and rinsing.

She does not work slowly, nor quickly, like a river.

Her dark hair is like the wing of a bird.

I don’t doubt for a moment that she loves her life.

And I want her to rise up from the crust and the slop and

fly down to the river.

This probably won’t happen.

But maybe it will.

If the world were only pain and logic, who would want it?

Of course, it isn’t.

Neither do I mean anything miraculous, but only

the light that can shine out of a life. I mean

the way she unfolded and refolded the blue cloth,

The way her smile was only for my sake; I mean

the way this poem is filled with trees, and birds.


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Mar 28Liked by Joan Tollifson

The odd thing about thought to me is if you actually observe it, which at times I find to be happening, it makes no sense! It seems totally disjointed and random.

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Mar 29Liked by Joan Tollifson

I rented Perfect Days. I'm glad I was able to watch it twice in the rental period. I saw things that I didn't catch the first time. Thank you so much for recommending it!

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Mar 30Liked by Joan Tollifson

Bullseye again mate...nothing any of us can or "should" do about the arising of thoughts/stories...it'll happen till we die. Notice, allow, and respond skilfully. Simple...but often not easy...

Much love.

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Mar 31Liked by Joan Tollifson

Very glad to be here. Uh, I mean as a reader of your stuff. But I guess also to "be here."

Not trying to be to clever, I'm just warming up to the verbiage that most of the commenters seem comfortable with.

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