Apr 25Liked by Joan Tollifson

Thank you Joan, for always provoking deep reflection.

You write: "What if it is all happening spontaneously? What if we are simply here as this unavoidable, already occurring, present experiencing, just as it is?"

Yes, Joan, this is one of the most fundamental questions. I can't avoid any part of my experience. Furthermore, all of my sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts are delivered to my sense doors (mind being one of them) already made, I don't ever create any perception, neither pleasant nor unpleasant. So who am I? An easy answer could be "I am the body-mind instrument by which experience is known". It's a popular answer in the Non-duality al circles, right? But, like you write so well, it's just another attempt to "get" the ungraspable mystery of it all.

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Apr 25Liked by Joan Tollifson

Brilliant, as usual.

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Hi Joan, I am highly resonant with your teachings. I wonder if you have looked at Thomas Metzinger's new book; he writes about "meta-attention touching itself" which seems to be what you are pointing to. Here is a video I just posted that takes up these themes via imagery.... Thank you for the teaching. it lays the groundwork for a better world to come after civilization collapses... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR3dBwEJJhM

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Apr 25Liked by Joan Tollifson

Ahhhh..Yes...Nothing more to figure out or achieve..Just This ..As it Is❣️

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Joan Tollifson

Beautiful, thank you! I love the orchestral analogy. If Life is playing us dissonance isn’t really dissonance. The “little me ears” might hear it as such but “the big ears” have a different capacity. To the ears of the Composer, the limitless variety of instruments and sounds are inseparable from its Is-ness, and so enjoyable, unconditionally accepted, as John Astin pointed to.

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Apr 25Liked by Joan Tollifson

Good Morning. First thing I did: opened email and read this new article, and had coffee. All the "What if" questions slowed everything down to this very instant. And my day is now totally open:

unknown what will happen, what I will notice, where my attention is going to go. There are plans, for sure ... but they are just thoughts, because I "know" how to think. I am grateful that I awakened to this article so early in the day, just now.

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Apr 25Liked by Joan Tollifson

dear joan,

thank you as always for your beautiful words.

a few that i love, among all the rest that i also love:

"What if we approach the bare actuality in the same way we might approach a beautiful flower or a beloved friend?"

"We’re like an orchestra in which we each play a different instrument and have a different part. The violins aren’t meant to be like the trumpets, and the drums aren’t supposed to sound like the flutes. Play your own part whole-heartedly, and enjoy the music"

thank you for sharing!



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Apr 25Liked by Joan Tollifson

Timely post. Thank you Joan. If you were to compile these jewels of wisdom and publish them I would be first in line to buy. Thx for all you offer. A light on my path.❤️

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Apr 25Liked by Joan Tollifson

Everything is included, indeed! I have found peace in simply accepting that I belong/am a part of/one with/the cosmos.

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Apr 25Liked by Joan Tollifson

Your writing is our blessing. Much gratitude.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Joan Tollifson

Wow Joan!

the part about the aroma of coffee and holding the warm cup. Realized there was no cream so had to go to the store. It all just unfolded. Bought some chicken bits to make soup as it's rainy and cool here - into the flow state, now watching a crow helping him or herself to the bones and stuff I will not use. Thank you so much.

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Apr 26Liked by Joan Tollifson

Yes! Living-Dying in the ever changing emptiness, moment after moment.

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Apr 26Liked by Joan Tollifson

Hand on heart…just so beautiful. Thank you 😍

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Apr 26Liked by Joan Tollifson

Your words brought me to tears and my heart burst wide open.... resting in the beauty of Just This. Overflowing gratitude to you Joan.

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Apr 26Liked by Joan Tollifson

Thanks again Joan. What I love about your posts is that the contain great insight coupled with common sense. Rare indeed. Much Love to all.

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Apr 27Liked by Joan Tollifson

The whole time I was reading this, I was flashing on Bob Adamson's famous and incisive line, "What's wrong with right now if you don't think about it?" Your essay is like a vibrant commentary on that. Or else Adamson's line is like a condensation of your essay. Either way, totally delightful.

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