You may think you've written it all "before". Sometimes I recognize the thought-flow; yet each reading, while I may think of it as a 'reminder", is fresh and new. Thank you for your constancy, Joan!
Joan, what a beautiful expression of the whole ungraspable isness of everything! The vastness flowing through the particular Joan and blessing us all. Thank you.
thank you for attempting to put into words the inexpressible. In their beauty, complexity, intermingling paradox they bring the fragrance of 'what is' to me. Poetry of the indescribable in prose.
Please keep meeting and interfacing with the 'mystery' and writing about it. Your writing is 'it' too.
"As Mel Weitsman, my first Zen teacher, said to me, “We’re always looking for diamonds in the mud. But the mud itself is pretty interesting. That’s what Zen is about. The mud.”"
"Nisargadatta beautifully sums up the nature of Advaita: “Love says, ‘I am everything.’ Wisdom says, ‘I am nothing.’ Between the two my life flows.”"
"I’ve always appreciated the words of one old Zen teacher from long ago who was asked what he was doing (teaching Zen). He replied that he was selling water by the banks of the river. He said this not disparagingly, as if he were doing something unsavory, but humorously, with great delight, recognizing the Great Play of the universe, the Divine Lila, the Cosmic Entertainment, the miraculous dance of existence, in which the One behind all the masks endlessly hides from itself and then discovers itself everywhere. And we (the person) don’t get to decide what part we’re going to play. We simply find ourselves playing, and at the same time, deeply enjoying the show."
The story of Joan, a gift that keeps giving🎁❣🙏
You may think you've written it all "before". Sometimes I recognize the thought-flow; yet each reading, while I may think of it as a 'reminder", is fresh and new. Thank you for your constancy, Joan!
Joan, what a beautiful expression of the whole ungraspable isness of everything! The vastness flowing through the particular Joan and blessing us all. Thank you.
thank you for attempting to put into words the inexpressible. In their beauty, complexity, intermingling paradox they bring the fragrance of 'what is' to me. Poetry of the indescribable in prose.
Please keep meeting and interfacing with the 'mystery' and writing about it. Your writing is 'it' too.
Thank you so very much for this post. It resonates with me totally. Nothing else I can except Thank You.
dear joan,
this is beautiful.
these three nuggets leapt out at me:
"As Mel Weitsman, my first Zen teacher, said to me, “We’re always looking for diamonds in the mud. But the mud itself is pretty interesting. That’s what Zen is about. The mud.”"
"Nisargadatta beautifully sums up the nature of Advaita: “Love says, ‘I am everything.’ Wisdom says, ‘I am nothing.’ Between the two my life flows.”"
"I’ve always appreciated the words of one old Zen teacher from long ago who was asked what he was doing (teaching Zen). He replied that he was selling water by the banks of the river. He said this not disparagingly, as if he were doing something unsavory, but humorously, with great delight, recognizing the Great Play of the universe, the Divine Lila, the Cosmic Entertainment, the miraculous dance of existence, in which the One behind all the masks endlessly hides from itself and then discovers itself everywhere. And we (the person) don’t get to decide what part we’re going to play. We simply find ourselves playing, and at the same time, deeply enjoying the show."
thank you again and always!
much love,