Thank you for the clarifications, Joan. I'm very curious about your "being pulled in two different (seemingly opposite) directions in my spiritual life and work." I look forward to reading about these directions when the time is right for you to say more. Love & blessings as you continue to grow, learn, love and share! - Eddie

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And I am grateful for you!

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Joan, whatever happens to you I know you'll always find a way to put in the right perspective. One look around you and outside the window with everything that's going on out there, there's a fresh breath of air, a fresh start...all those trillions of details, yeah life is truly amazing.

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Thanks Joan. Looking forward to your next post

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Feeling happy to wait.

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Sending love 🙏🏻❤️

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Joan, compulsions and periods of depressions come and go as you have written about. As a psychotherapist, I appreciate your candid descriptions of the things you have gone through and how you have handled them. Sometimes people deal with these things quietly and others believe the person has no problem and is just sailing through life. That is rarely the case and your honesty and ability to describe how you went through rough times is why why I have been reading everything you've written since my friend gave me your book, waking up in the heartland in 2006. I appreciate you so much.

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I love you Joan, be well!

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I am exceedingly grateful for all you’ve shared and continue to bring into my awareness and mind.

Love you!

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Sri Nisargadata’s poem on silence has spoken deeply - very deeply- to me. The spirit of Dakshinamurti is calling me into deeper and deeper silence and stillness … exquisite peace. Ah! Thank you dear sister.

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"We all need each other..." Oh yes Joan, so true. Thank you for your presence❤️

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I thank you very much your openness and frankness.

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Thank you Joan for your most recent book — “Death: The end of self improvement “. It has opened my eyes to how reactive I can be to small hardships. I’m so inspired by your strength and gratitude. 🙏🏻

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Doesn’t it all just roll along. I hear your silence. 👉🏻🌷

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Yeh I mowed my fingernails down this last month. After years away from it. It’s seeking nurture in my books.

So I went out for two crab sticks. A pineapple fritter and a banana fritter. All deep fried

Have a nice night

Thanks for Being

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